Noted presentation at 2007 Healthcare Staffing Summit

 Although there a lot of intesting presentations at this year’s Healthcare Staffing Summit, one in particular stood out to PRN Funding’s president, Philip Cohen.  He asked that we share some details of Verne C. Harnish’s presentation for our blog readers.


Harnish is the CEO of Gazelles Inc., which is an outsourced corporate university for midsized firms.  He’s also the founder of the Young Entrepreneurs’ Organization and the Association of Collegiate Entrepreneurs among many other accolades. Click here to read more about Verne C. Harnish’s bio.



His presentation revolved around four simple questions that any business owner should be asking their clients on a weekly basis:


How are you doing?

What’s going on in your industry/neighborhood?

What do you hear about our competitors?

How are we doing?


The answers to these questions will help you get to you know clients more on a personal level so that you can adapt and serve their needs in a more professional manner.  Philip Cohen thought this was a great concept to share with our business owner blog readers.